Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living - 1834 Words
The unexamined life is not worth living. (Apology, 41e) Socrates held this statement to himself to a point where he allowed the courts to take his life because they don’t want him to continue his quest of insights, questions and knowledge. The philosophy of Socrates as explained by Plato offers an important concept of what it means to live the examined life and what makes a life either examined or unexamined. The combination of Euthyphro, The Apology and the Republic help understand what Socrates means when he says that the unexamined life is not worth living, proving it what he believed, a valid statement. What Socrates means by an unexamined life, is we are just coasting through and not making any decisions or asking any questions. What Socrates means by living the examined life, that it’s logical when people are striving to know themselves and to understand our lives if they have any meaning or value to them. An examined life would be trying to understand your purpo se of why you are here and what you are presently thinking. By examining your life, you therefore are understanding yourself and will not be subject to actions motivated by passion or instinct.Socrates uses examples defending his case about the unexamined life. â€Å"That is because I am so desirous of your wisdom, and I concentrate my mind on it, so that no word of yours may fall to the ground.†(Euthyphro, 18d) Socrates could not see a point in living if you were unable to ask questions and challenge your wayShow MoreRelatedUnexamined Life Is Not Worth Living1851 Words  | 8 Pagesconvicted for impiety to the gods and for corrupting the youth because he had taught the young adults to question, he was given the opportunity to propose his own penalty. He refused to give up his mission as the one calling Athens to the examined way of life. He refused to leave Athens, if the condition were to be that he had to give up teaching. He summed up his defense in the following way: If I say that I cannot hold my peace (by giving up my mission) because that would be to disobey the godRead MoreThe Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living1450 Words  | 6 Pagesb) The unexamined life is not worth living, quoted Socrates. It appears that, following his brilliant logic, the key to living philosophically is exactly how one interprets and scrutinizes their own life in a philosophical context. As with the nature of philosophy itself, living philosophically is also ambiguous, and it could very well be that one lives philosophically even if they do not necessarily realize it. Take, for instance, a person who questions why humans and all life forms must die;Read MoreUnexamined Life Not Worth Living For1300 Words  | 6 PagesUnexamined Life Not Worth Living For In this paper I will argue that Socrates is right about an unexamined life is no worth living for, however too much examination leads to the absurd and too little tends to keep you from obtaining knowledge, not being able to free your-self as humans are meant to be free. Socrates was a philosopher who believed that humans were meant to obtain all type of knowledge, and that such knowledge could only be achieved through examination. As Socrates stated â€Å"it is theRead MoreThe, The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living1744 Words  | 7 Pages I wholeheartedly embrace the sentiments of Socrates when Plato stated in the Apology, â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living.†Upon reflection, and asking myself, what exactly does this mean, I feel as if my life has evolved full circle. I finally understand the meaning and purpose of my life – the myth I believe and know I should be living. This course has put a lot of things into perspective for me by putting my thoughts, experiences, and feelings into words and statements that prior to I couldRead MoreThe Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living Essay1577 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living.†This quote, by a famous philosopher Socrates, amplifies the idea of critical thinking and its true importance. This quote explains that if we as individuals do not evaluate ourselves, then we stop living as human beings.This quote can present what is truly at stake when dealing with critical thinking. Critical thinking allows human beings to question the status quo naturally with no effect. Critical thinking is an important practice and technique one shouldRead MoreThe Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living1344 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"An unexamined life is not worth living†Imagine living a life without change, development and growth. Imagine living a life without any consciousness of what life has to offer. As mind-boggling as this may sound, there are actually many people on this earth that have not taken the effort to know themselves. People should be able to fairly judge their lives. Man should be able to gain wisdom by the examinations of the deeds they’ve done to prepare for the future. Life is no longer worth livingRead MoreUnexamined Life Is Not Worth Living964 Words  | 4 Pagespremise that â€Å"the unexamined life is not worth living†. To understand this quote, we should know what a premise is in relation to his quote. A premise is using a statement to support an opinionated conclusion, for example, getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night lets you wake up not tired, proving that you should go to sleep early. So, what he means by an â€Å"unexamined life is not worth living†is that a life without being producti ve or bettering yourself isn’t a life worth living because you don’tRead MoreThe Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living2068 Words  | 9 PagesProject Due Date: 12/04/2014 Date Submitted: 12/04/2014 Myth/Narrative I Am Living I enthusiastically embrace the sentiment of Socrates that, â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living.†Upon reflection, and asking myself, what exactly does this mean, I feel as if my life has progressed full circle. I finally understand, to a greater extent, the meaning and purpose of my life – the myth I believe and know I should be living. Through the course readings, text, and concepts, the authors have inspiredRead MoreThe Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living1629 Words  | 7 Pages â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living,†Plato says in The Apology. When people think about the great problems facing humanity, their attention tends to turn to issues such as poverty, warfare, pollution, and disease. While these problems are important and urgent, there are other problems which are equally urgent, but often overlooked. Are human beings born with a map for life? Can that map lead people to happiness? If there is a map, every human being can attain ha ppiness easily. Is there anyRead MoreThe Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living1978 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living.†Socrates, the great Greek philosopher, has never spoken truer words. The unexamined life is a recurring theme in both Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave and Richard Wright’s The Library Card. There are many ways to achieve enlightenment, for example, going out and obtaining information, through individualism, learning from mistakes, becoming an intellectual reader, or contemplation. Enlightenment was important to both Plato and Richard Wright. Plato believed
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
A Thousand Splendid Suns - 2892 Words
A Thousand Splendid Suns Theme Analysis Lesson Subject: English Language Arts Grades: 9†12 Timeframe: Four 45 minute sessions Student Outreach for Shelters (SOS) Program Overview This lesson is designed to deepen students’ analysis of the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. In addition, this lesson is designed to provide educators with a core novel connection to the shelter outreach themes of the Khaled Hosseini Foundation SOS program. Preparation ï‚ ¡ ï‚ ¡ Review Lesson Plan novel. Adapt lesson plan as necessary. Prepare students as necessary: a) this lesson assumes that all students have read A Thousand Splendid Suns, and that students have clear expectations (e.g. rubrics or†¦show more content†¦What are some literal and figurative meanings of shelter? What are some reasons one might not have shelter? Can one have a physical shelter and still be exposed? Can one be without a physical shelter and yet be sheltered? Record student responses on chart or butcher paper, or online in a class wiki page. Post responses where students can refer to them throughout the lesson sessions. Tell students that they will work in pairs or in groups to: ï‚ ¡ ï‚ ¡ ï‚ ¡ ï‚ ¡ ï‚ ¡ Find evidence in the text of the shelter theme Explore its significance Determine its impact on plot characterization Present findings to class Provide a written response to an essay prompt about this theme ï‚ ¡ Web Resources: ï‚ ¡ ï‚ ¡ UNHCR fact page on Afghanistan: CIA Fact book on Afghanistan:†world†factbook/geos/af.html ï‚ ¡ Ethnic Map of Afghanistan: ghanistan/map_flash.html ï‚ ¡ ï‚ ¡ ï‚ ¡ Google maps: Saib†e†Tarizi poem from which novel is titled: Academy of Achievement speech in 2008 – Hosseini speaks about why he became a writer: (12 min video)†4†hosseini†vid Introduce Theme Analysis Graphic Organizer. Post one organizer on board or overhead and give one copy to each student. Complete one or twoShow MoreRelatedA Thousand Splendid Suns1227 Words  | 5 PagesIn a nation brimming with discrimination, violence and fear, a multitudinous number of hearts will become malevolent and unemotional. However, people will rebel. In the eye-opening novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns written by Khaled Hosseini, the country of Afghanistan is exposed to possess cruel, treacherous and sexist law and people. The women are classified as something lower than human, and men have the jurisdiction over the women. At the same time, the most horrible treatment can bring out someRead MoreA Thousand Splendid Suns Essay1115 Words  | 5 PagesJoey F 2/17/13 P.6 A Thousand Splendid Suns Essay â€Å"An heirloom-breaking, clumsy little harami†(Hosseini 4), sets the tone for the beginning of Mariam’s life throughout the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. Many women are mistreated throughout the novel, but Mariam’s childhood is much tougher because she is a harami, or â€Å"bastard child†. Mariam tries to find emotional and physical shelter in her lifetime, but struggles to find it. In the beginning of her life she can’t find emotional shelterRead MoreAnalysis Of A Thousand Splendid Suns 1267 Words  | 6 PagesThe significance of A Thousand Splendid Suns is the endurance that women must possess in order to survive, but also the role of women in the Afghanistan society. Hosseini writes about the difficult life of Mariam and Laila as they bear the hardships that arise over the three decades of anti-Soviet jihad, civil war, and Taliban tyranny in Afghanistan. Hosseini identifies these hardships as something they’re forced to endu re as women till they die. As Mariam grows up, the ability to endure, said byRead MoreA Thousand Splendid Suns: Analysis1447 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å" Nana said, ‘Learn this now and learn it well, my daughter: Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. You remember that Mariam†(Hosseini 7). In this passage from A Thousand Splendid Suns, Mariam’s mother explains to her what her father is really like. Through the begging of this novel, Mariam sees her father, Jalil, as the better parent and views her mother as the more strict one. Nana isn’t fond of Jalil because after he had got her pregnant, he deniedRead MoreA Thousand Splendid Suns By Hosseini1328 Words  | 6 Pageswoman. In spite of the fact that this is unfair, at least women in America are permitted to work. Khaled Hosseini brings awareness to the women of Afghanistan who are victims of the inhumane and unjust laws of the Taliban. In his novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, Hosseini uses agonizing scenes and imagery to analyze the ways Afghan women continue to subsist in an oppressive and discriminatory society from the 1950s to today. As a young girl, the protagonist of the novel, Mariam, longed to receiveRead MoreA Thousand Splendid Suns Analysis1499 Words  | 6 PagesA Thousand Splendid Suns The author of A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini, created a story that focuses on a journey shared between Laila and Mariam, the two female protagonist whose homeland of Afghanistan becomes corrupted by government rule. Although women and men are going through a time of war, women are expected to remain silent, but Hosseini Khaled develops characters that able step out of gender norms and break these restrictions. In A Thousand Splendid SunsRead MoreSummary Of A Thousand Splendid Suns 1467 Words  | 6 PagesCharacter The plot of A Thousand Splendid Suns revolves around two protagonists: Laila and Mariam. Most of the story’s characters are round, but Mariam and Laila are exceptionally complex. Mariam is a harami, a bastard, that leaves her mother, Nana, in order to live with Jalil, her father. Jalil rejects her, and Jalil and Mariam later regret the decisions that they made at that point in their lives. Mariam is a quiet, thoughtful, and kind woman who was born in Herat, and her face has been describedRead MoreReview Of A Thousand Splendid Suns Essay3732 Words  | 15 PagesAFTER EFFECTS OF WAR IN KABUL AS BASED ON A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Award of Degree of Bachelors of Arts (Hons.) in English Submitted By: Supervised By: Sahib Alam Shaily Dabra Ma’am SYNOPSIS The title of the current research is ‘the after-effects of war in Kabul’ based on the novel-A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS. The novel portrays the theme of war and it’sRead MoreEndurance in A Thousand Splendid Suns2382 Words  | 10 Pagesthe Taliban; they also learn to endure poverty. Considering this, it is no wonder why Afghanistan is in the terrible position it is in now. Many Afghan cities like Kabul are filled with things like violence and discrimination, and the book A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini takes place in Kabul. This book follows the lives of two Afghani women, Mariam and Laila, as they suffer pain and discrimination received from the Taliban and their husband, Rasheed. The women are forced to clean, cookRead MoreA Thousand Splendid Suns By Khaled Hosseini Essay1239 Words  | 5 Pagesto rapidly advance, which ultimately produces instability and division. When elements of societyâ€â€such as politics or economics are erratic, a solid foundation cannot be formed. The book A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is an example of how a society can crumble without stability. A Thousand Splendid Suns tells of how Afghanistan is impacted as it passes through five eras of different political powers. The traditional culture and beliefs were altered with each governing group which generated
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Literature Review about Reflective Report Writing Of Cybercrime
Question: Describe about cybercrime and its major categories? Answer: In order to develop the World Wide Web and internet, developer faced wide range of issues. Therefore, in order to mitigate these issues, student of IT has to study about the professional issues in Information technology (PIIT). It always relies at the heart of information technology. Since early days, criminality and crime both associated with each other. In different countries, the content of crime is different. Based on the nature and extent, crime is depended. In these modern days, information technology helps in generating business effectiveness and increasing performance. Professional Issues in Information Technology (PIIT) mainly occurs in the years of science and technology. Several authors provide lot of definition about Information Technology. Some critics say that information technology is the heart of computer that affects the era of business and their own network. Some critic defined that cybercrime is one type of crime that committed in the network of computer using inte rnet as well as other tools. However, it has been learned that computer is one of the most important part that considered as tools of information technology. However, it is identified that computer considered as an integral part of professional information technology from the point of view of internet and World Wide Web. From the point of view of internet access, information technology generates wide range of benefits to the organization in all sectors such as business industry, educational sector, etc (Dixon, 2007). There are several examples of information technology that learned in lesson such as knowledge management system, automatic generation of information via application, etc. In other words, information technology defined as the violence action. Majority of organization in these days used information technology in their business process for improving the purchasing as well as logistics system and generate higher value (Beck Boyd, 1978). There are some ways that a person ab le to work in a team such as Positive Outlook: It is very impotent in order to work as an IT professional. Positive attitude helps in changing the work and make stable in IT career. Love for Challenge: In order to work in IT sector, person has to show their enjoyment in multi disciplinary work (Engdahl, 2010). Ability to adapt to a change: It is also an important factor in terms of being IT professional. This is required because software or application change frequently. Patience, Patience and more Patience: When a person work as a member of team, this is required. It may be stressful as well as challenging but creates more fun in future. Careers in IT Information technology is broad subject and varies several types of job. Regarding information technology, there are wide range of opportunities to get job an develop career such as Business Analyst System Analyst Network Administrator Computer Design Computer Programmer Web Designer Web Developer Cybercrime In my literature review, it has been describe that there are three major categories of cyber crime such as crimes against property, government and person. Cybercrime against person is that harassment to people via cyber stalking, emails, fake phone calls, etc. Cyber Stalking is one of the most common and popular cybercrime where attackers use wide range of protocols like user net group, e-mails and chat rooms (Cartwright Scisco, 2004). Using these protocols, attackers provide different types of harassment such as religious, sexual, racial, etc. Thos kind of cybercrime mainly occurs from the teenagers and woman. Cybercrime against property occurs when the attackers develop harmful program and send it to others computer user via internet (Rijlaarsdam, Bergh and Couzijn, 2005). It had been learned that attackers using internet send virus to the personal computer and access entire information from that particular computer. Email scam is one of the great example of cybercrime against property. Attacker sends emails with virus and demand to put bank account details into the emails body. Apart from that, hacking of the companys website is also another example of cybercrime against property. As consequence, cyber terrorism is one of the most serious type of crime from the viewpoint of cybercrime. Hacking into the military sites, governments websites are the key examples of cyber terrorism. In my literature review, it has been learned by me that in technology environment, criminals of cyber categorized into different group. These are as follows Organized hacker: In order to fulfill certain objectives, these types of hackers are organized. The main aim of these hackers is to hack the political website and put bias information, fundamentalism, etc. For example, recently one hacker hack the Facebook page of Facebook developer Mark Zuckerberg. This type of hacking falls under the category of organized hacker. Discounted employees: There are huge people in the world who dissatisfied with the employers or sacked by some organization. Those types of people fall under this category. In order to take revenge from their employer, people under this category hack the system of employer. Professional Hackers: These types of hackers motivate to make money. The main aim of professional hackers is to make money from internet. Professional hackers mostly hacked the website of banks, big organization that is related to the financial sector and get the reliable information from site. I learned there are several reasons for cybercrime. The reasons of cybercrime are as follows Easy to Access: Safe guard is the main problem of computer system. Due to the complex of technology, there is present possibly of breach regarding unauthorized access. Therefore, most of the user set up their computer password in order to prevent unauthorized access using codes, retina, key loggers, advance voice recorders, etc. I learned that this type of system could easily access these passwords via bypassing the firewalls and using bio metric system. Negligence: The term negligence closely connected with the technology that conducted by human. In order to protect the computer system especially for business industry need to be any negligence. It is not maintained properly, cyber criminal access information from computer system and control the overall system. Loss of Evidence: It has been identified that loss of evidence is a big problem and very common from the point of view of cybercrime. Cyber criminal most of the time destroyed data from victim computer. Capacity to store data in small space: Computer system has the capacity to store data huge data in very small space using unique characteristic. Therefore, it is easier for the cyber criminal to access information or remove it. Complex: In order to operate the computers, need to install one operating system such as Linux, windows, Mac, etc. However, these types of operating system are composed with the million of codes. In my literature review, I learned that in major cases human mind fails to write code with proper way. They often lapse in any stage during writing the codes of operating system. The cyber criminal take advantage of lapse in any stage and penetrate the computer system. There are several manner and mode of cyber crime such as Hacking (unauthorized access): Hacking is the common term in internet area. Regarding unauthorized access, Information and Communication Act was formed in 2006. This act allows the user in protecting unauthorized access of information during interchangeable. Email Bombing: This is also popular crime in internet. There are majority of attackers that send bulk amount of emails to the computer of victim. The main intention of these type of attackers is to crash the system of victim. Worms Attack: Worms attack is also known as the virus. Attacker send virus in the form of data into victims computer for corrupting the file. The main functionality of work attack is to copies the computer memory and transfer into another computer. For example, love bug virus affected in the globe computers and losses $10 billion in business. Robert Morris created this virus in 1988 for accessing information from victim computer. Trojan Attacks: It is the most popular and harmful origin in terms of cybercrime. Attacker installed Trojan into the victims computer via chatting and access information from victims computer. Web jacking: I leaned that using the technique of Web Jacking, hackers gain information from the victim computer over internet. Majority of attacker use web jacking for providing their own information via government website. I learned that via the technology of web jacking, hacker hack the website of other and make the site according to their own demand. Moreover, I understand that cybercrime is classified into three groups such as against individuals, against organization and against society. Harassment via email: In these modern days, harassment via emails is the new concept of cybercrime. Cyber criminal send emails that contains virus to the victims computer system in the form of letter. When the victim download letter in his or her computer virus automatically runs and access information about the computer. Apart from that, I learned that majority of people send continuous emails to the victim computer. Harassment via email is the common cyber crime in these days. Cyber Stalking: It is also the new concept of cyber crime. The main concept of cyber stalking is that the criminal of cyber observes the movement of person across the internet via posting different type of message or entering chat room frequently to the victims computer. Defamation: cyber defamation is same according to the general defamation. I learned that this type of cybercrime mainly occur for the teenagers. For example, someone hacks the email id or Facebook page and change the status that he is in relationship or post some bad pictures, etc. As time passed, affects of cybercrime increased fast in comparison to other crime. There are several factors unable to detect or analyze the causes of statistic of cybercrime. Firstly, in these present days, aggressive development of technology is growing faster. This make difficult to detect cybercrime. Due to lack of knowledge as well as expertise officially, cybercrime still not analyzed or detected. Apart from that, most important method that hide the criminal activity regarding cybercrime is that when activity of cybercrime detected for a business organization, the owner of the firm lodge report for not to published name due adverse publicity. These are the main reason that leads to hide the actual nu mber of cybercrime cases in the world. Access over computer system: Unauthorized access over computer system is called cybercrime. In the world, there are several rules and regulation of hacking interchangeable in terms of hacking. In internet, various hackers access information of victim computer via providing virus or run firewall system breaking code. In order to mitigate hacking confusion, or prevent the information from being hacked, user of computer system can involve Act 200 of hacking. Email spoofing: In my literature review part, I learned that email spoofing is one of the ways of misrepresenting the origin. It has been identified that some hackers send emails to the victim for asking banking details that looks like original according to the email of banking sector. Recently the student of the University of Western Australia received emails to changing their password due to technical up gradation. According to the student of University, this email came from technical department of the University. However, this mail was traced by the technical department and aware student for never accept this type of emails without any notification of the University. Intellectual property crime: According to the critics, intellectual property consist wide range of rights in terms of protecting property. Therefore, it has been also identified by me that unlawful act may deprived completely. In order to protect the intellectual property, people have to violate software privacy, infringement, trademark, violation, source code of computer, etc. However, it has been often seen that majority of people access information or copying file without any authentication. For example, in internet several websites provide software application without permission of Microsoft. Terrorism of cyber against governmental organization: It has been understood by me that there are required to distinguish between the cyber crime and cyber terrorism. However, both of these two consider under the act of criminal. It has been realized that cyber crime generally consists under the domestic issue. However, it has some consequence in international. On the other hand, cyber terrorism is considered as the global issues. It has both international and domestic issues in respect to cybercrime. In order to protect the common form of terrorist attack in internet, victim has to use anti malware threat protecting software, or avoid unknown sources email. Majority of cyber criminal uses 512-bit encryption method in order to decrypt the information in governmental website. From this point of view, website of government has to use 1024-bit encryption method in terms of sharing information. Trafficking: Hackers assumes different forms of trafficking to the victim. In general, trafficking are can be in different in form such as human beings, arms weapons, drugs, etc. It has been identified that trafficking is the modern type of slavery. According to critics, trafficking is the fastest growing crime. Fraud and Cheating: In these modern days, online fraud and cheating is the lucrative cybercrime in these days. In internet, victim received different chat request from different server. It has been seen that in some cases online fraud and cheating pertaining to the contractual crime, credit card crime or jobs offering. From the point of view of fraud and cheating, it has been identified that there are several engineers work on the back office of customer care. During the working time, they fraudulently access information of customer credit card. Description of Changes In this world, cybercrime is ironically increased. Therefore, awareness of cyber security will be the best methodology or appropriate technology of protecting the threats of cyber crime. In my literature, review learned that technology site CNET stated that there are majority of companies that suffer from electronic threat or harassment both physically and mentally. In this physical world, people move one company to another due to change of job position (Stefoff, 2009). Therefore, if the employee wanted to steal the information of previous company such as operating manuals, battle plan, target market, target customer, etc they have lots of chance to copy file from the system of the organization in a small USB device. In order to protect the cyber crime and keep safe the information from hacker, need to follow the steps Secure the computer: In order to secure information in one computer, people have to active firewall protection. Activation of firewall allows the people in avoiding unknown source and keeps safe the computer from virus attack. Apart from that, user of computer especially the business organization has to use antivirus software that protects malware theft in internet. Moreover, in order to block the spyware in computer system need to update antivirus software application regularly. Use of Strong Password: Majority of cyber criminals hack information via internet of their victim computer. Therefore, in order to protect the cybercrime in internet, computer user has to use strong password in their own account that contains at least 10 characters in length with combination of numbers, capital and small letter along with special characters. Install latest operating system: In order to keep safe the information, organization in business sector has to install latest operating system with update features. For example, if the organization installed windows latest operating system they can easily access information if any employees insert USB device into the system. This will be the better technology for preventing personal information. Data Protection: When the organization especially the organization that operates in financial sector share information to other, need to use RSS encryption technology. It will help in protecting data from hacked into the server. 512-bit encryption method will be the best technology of encrypting data and protect from hacker. Apart from that, organization in financial sector has to take regular backup of their information and store in into the other location such as external hard disk or cloud server (Ross, 2010). Secure wireless network: In these modern days, companies use wireless connection technology in order to create intranet connection over workplace. It is also one of the lapse points by company because hacker using the wireless network attacks into their server room and access information. Appropriate combination of password and user identity technology in wireless network will be the best methodology (Vanelstraete Francken, 1997). The IT department of financial sector has to set up the network that protects access of internet when it identifies unknown IP address use system. Apart from that, computer user has to justify proper identity when they sale or purchased products via online. Moreover, when user access social networking site, they have to be more conscious. References: Beck, C., Boyd, D. (1978).The moral education project (year 5). [Toronto]: Ministry of Education. Cartwright, T., Scisco, P. (2004).Developing your intuition. Greensboro, N.C.: Center for Creative Leadership. Engdahl, S. (2010).Cybercrime. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. Ross, J. (2010).Cybercrime. New York: Chelsea House. Stefoff, R. (2009).Cybercrime. Tarrytown, N.Y.: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark. Vanelstraete, A., Francken, L. (1997).Prevention of reflective cracking in pavements. London: E FN Spon.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Mrs Dalloway Essay Example
Mrs Dalloway Paper This essay will be investigating to what extent Woolf used her novel Mrs Dalloway to criticise the social system. To do this I will be taking into account the year the novel was written, and examining the social situations which the reader could have perceived to be critical. Also, it will be important to acknowledge that some of the socially critical situations Woolf uses had not been encountered before, and to reason that perhaps Woolf wrote Mrs Dalloway to try and draw public attentions to the reaction to events that the general public, politicians and all the social classes had no idea how to deal with. At the same time the essay will use these points to connect the novel and Woolf to its modernist roots. Woolf began writing what would become Mrs Dalloway in the summer of 1922 shortly after World War 1 had ended. Public suffering from the war was still inflicting its massive after effects, and Woolf wanted to write an expression of what she felt was happening. On my initial forays into researching Virginia Woolf my opinion was very closed, I felt she was very insular. Commenting on the outside world from the safety of her own well educated and wealthy life. But now I feel I passed judgment too quickly. Woolf came from a challenging background, loosing her mother at a young age and coping with depression at different stages of her life. She was an imperative aspect of a groundbreaking generation of people who were trying to shake off their Victorian roots and reach for something new, something different. Which is what we now know as the modernist era, where all absolute truths were questioned and life was about asking the where, why and who, of what they were. We will write a custom essay sample on Mrs Dalloway specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mrs Dalloway specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mrs Dalloway specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It must have been a very unsettling time, and society itself was still trying to come to terms with new learning curves concerning religion, science and Darwinism. But with the events of The War merely surviving had taken immediate precedence. Many young men had gone to fight, and the women had stepped into multi-functioning roles of being care giver, provider, and both mother and father. Despite the difficulty put upon those left behind, it also brought a feminine freedom and individuality. Soldiers returning from battle were firstly faced with the fact that their wives, mothers and sisters had evolved into far more independent creatures in their absence, but they were also facing the tasks of re-socialisation, battle fatigue and post war stress, these are words which we commonly know and understand today. But this was not the case in 1922. The Victorian pre-war years were about solid truths; religion, royalty, family and the eventuality that everything would come good in the end, and for Woolf shaking off these preconceived notions that were widely taught and understood during her childhood must have been very confusing. But to concentrate on Woolf from a literary angle she was one of the new style of writers of the modernist era, where the old fashioned bildungsroman was cast aside. The bildungsroman novels with their epic tales that spanned the life of their hero and reached a satisfying end of doing the right thing no longer fit into society. Food rationing, war, death and struggling against all odds, had somehow lifted the veil of innocence that novels such as Great expectations and Jane Eyre wrote about. Woolf was a part of a society that wandered why? Why did so many young men go to die, and why was society not willing to admit that there was something desperately wrong with the war torn young men returning home from the field? Being part of the modernist generation meant to strive for change, and to question everything, even the existence of an all powerful and righteous God. But if there is no God, then what to believe? For all the generations before Woolf had believed in the divine right of the monarchy to rule, and that living a just life before God allowed entry to heaven. These solid truths were suddenly ripped away, and the belief in government and political structure were to be thrown out with them. Woolf and her fellows were creating a whole new way of life, of education, art and science. With thanks to authors like Woolf and the Bloomsbury group of which she was a part, literary works were written in many narratives, and timelines were fluid. Woolf wanted fiction to get at something abstract, to use the mundane events of life to somehow create the bigger picture, there were no massive and life changing events in Mrs Dalloway, Woolf didnt use conventional methods to build tension and drama, even Septimuss eventual suicide was played down, the plot was purposely based around a party. Something that would be perceived as frivolous and unimportant. Woolf searched for her writing form, moving her narrative and stopping the plot from becoming chronological. Her design involves moving the characters through the streets of London while also timing their movements in a way that will create the impression of disparate events occurring simultaneously. 1 Novels were not expected or even preferred in an orderly or familiar style anymore. It was not until 1934 when Ezra Pound murmured what would be the long-lasting Make it new2, but it would seem that this was the sentiment long before he announced it. Woolf perfected her now famous tu nneling technique where she built her characters personalities and backgrounds (and then interlinked them where required) in Mrs Dalloway. The reader could be forgiven for thinking that Woolf wrote the book as a winding tale allowing the characters to be her guide, but Woolf agonized over every little aspect. Despite the timeline being fluid, Woolf had it planned out meticulously (as her diary shows) and each character played their part. One of the most important social aspects of the tale is how Woolf handles the character of Septimus. His story runs parallel with Mrs Dalloway, despite the fact that they never meet, only possibly being in the park at the same time but their paths never cross. Septimus becomes the epitome of the result of war. Septimus Warren Smith, aged about thirty, pale-faced, beak-nosed, wearing brown shoes and a shabby overcoat, with hazel eyes which had the look of apprehension in them which makes complete strangers apprehensive too. The world had raised its whip; where will it descend? Septimus thought, and this gradual drawing together of everything to one centre before his eyes, as if some horror had come almost to the surface and was about to burst into flames, terrified him. It is I who am blocking the way, he thought. Was he not being looked at and pointed at; was he not weighted there, rooted to the pavement, for a purpose? But for what purpose? 3 On first reading Mrs Dalloway I felt that his plight had been trivialized, but it was in overlooking the fact that the book was written over eighty years ago that exemplifies the longevity of what and how Woolf wrote Mrs Dalloway. The story becomes almost ageless as the same social inadequacies continue to raise their heads even today. It is only now with the experience of many Wars behind us that we are learning from our mistakes of the past. Septimus was returning from the first major War of our modern time, and no-one understood the ravages that the bloodshed and horror would cause to the human mind. Woolf having been a sufferer herself of a form of depression used Septimus as a vehicle to raise awareness, also managing to highlight the plight of soldiers returning from battle and how the medical profession had failed them, as discussed in the introduction to Mrs Dalloway. Septimuss case highlights the fashion in which society expected the war veteran to return to normalcy immediately, showing little patience with and even marginalizing those who could not instantly conform. But even more importantly, Septimuss case allows Woolf to launch a sustained attack on the medical community of her time. 4 Woolf used her novel very cleverly; it would seem that Woolf made Mrs Dalloway a mirror that she turned on society, not to ridicule or judge but to question. To question how Septimus could be treated like a child and that the prescription for his ailment was bed rest, and to say that quiet would make him feel better, (a treatment that she herself loathed) being left to rest with nothing more than the silence of ones mind must have seemed like a form of torture. But by using her idea to pen a story in the abstract, she managed to create such a depth of emotion when writing about Septimus, even though she still wrote without the drama. Woolf wrote about families left without sons and fathers as an everyday event, and it is so easy to forget that Woolf wasnt trying to illicit anger or trivialize these events, but she was writing about life, exactly as it happened. Mrs Dalloway is an everyday notion of an upper class women holding a party and fretting about its success. It is also an everyday notion of a woman in her early fifties feeling her age and looking back to her past. Woolfs genius is that buy tying these insignificant things together she very quietly paints a seemingly ugly picture of what society has become, but whether it was the success of her tunneling strategy with her characters or her immense skill as a writer, she still manages to leave the reader with a sadness for Septimus, and despite Clarrisas apathy she is still a sad character herself that touches the reader. Clarrisa Dalloway stays the central point to the story, despite the shifting narrative and addition of figures from her past and present. Woolf uses Clarrisa to dissect what a socially acceptable woman has become. Clarrisa is effected and melancholy, she doesnt feel satisfied with her life, but she doesnt blame anyone for that either. Clarrisa becomes a somewhat empty vessel, any fire or passion she might have once possessed as a younger women has been snuffed out, strangled by the restraint that women had placed upon them in that era. She almost drifts through the story. Woolf wrote Clarrisa to be the double to Septimus, and for all intents Woolf was going to kill her off at the end, until she decided to grant Septimus this blessed relief. Woolf wrote Clarrisa as she perceived a socialites life to be, and what she perceived it to represent. Mrs Dalloway paints a very empty picture, Clarrisa although having been moulded by her mollycoddled lifestyle, still manages to illicit the sympathy of the reader. She has nothing left, nothing to live for and nothing to loose. It is almost as if her life has passed her by without her noticing. I cant help but wonder if Woolf felt this way about herself, she didnt fit into the Victorian ethic she was raised with because of her own absolute beliefs in her right to question and learn, but was she then left feeling lost and isolated in her own life? Was Mrs Dalloway a way to exercise her own ghosts? In this I feel that Virginia Woolf did set about making a statement about society, about war and medical practice. But also about feminism, she uses her views of Richard and how if Clarrisa were to have married him he would have stifled her. How he wanted everything to be done together and how he expected her to behave and think in a certain way. Clarrisa thinks back to her time with Sally Seaton, recalling that she loved her. By questioning what love is in a time when society was considerably more homophobic than it is now, emphasizes how very brave Woolf was prepared to be in her quest for answers and honest literary content. To conclude, did Woolf manage to use abstract fiction to lead the reader down a path that uncovers painful truths along the way? Truths such as the struggle of returning soldiers from war, the failure of the medical society to treat them, and even how society itself pressured them to return to normalcy as quickly as possible. Did she in fact manage to use Mrs Dalloway to show how dissatisfied many women were with their lives; how they found them nothing more than a hopeless repetition uncover these failings? I think the answer is a resounding yes. Instead of writing an essay or journalistic piece that passed judgment and could have been seen as inflammatory, (especially coming from a woman writer) Woolf wrote a piece of fiction that was put before the masses, yet still enabled her to get her point across, and to be heard. She didnt jeopardize her position in society, nor her position lecturing to students, and by maintaining her stance she no doubt was able to plant the seed of change in many of the young minds she came into contact with. Having researched much about her personal life it also becomes clear that Woolf blamed herself as well. She wasnt stood on a pedestal assuming that she was innocent of societys crimes as I had initially thought, but she counted herself as one amongst its numbers. She felt equally responsible and used the discourse of Mrs Dalloway as a treatise of her time.
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