Friday, February 21, 2020
An Influential Personality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
An Influential Personality - Essay Example A teacher by profession, he was a classic example of a maestro with charm and charisma. He was a brilliant speaker. He had the knack of interacting with people. He was an orator who knew how to command the attention of his students. Not only he was a good teacher but he also had a dynamic personality. He knew the thin line between a teacher and a student. The biggest asset in his personality was that he was very open to new ideas and suggestions. He never used to impose ideas on us. I learnt from him that how much important it is for us to listen and acknowledge our mistakes and grow as an individual. Not only was he inspiring in these aspects, but he was also a very committed person and a thorough professional. He was always on time and was the first to come in the morning and the last to go. He made himself available to the students all the time. If we ever needed help from him, he was always there to help us. I learnt from him the value of time and made it a point in my life to be a punctual student. â€Å"A teacher is like a potter who moulds clay into a beautiful pot†. This quote applies on him. He imparts us the meaning of life. He taught us that there is no success without failures. I learnt from him to accept failures. He taught us to laugh at ourselves. I learnt from him to be resilient and patient in tough time without losing love for life. Throughout his life he faced so much adversaries and difficulties but always came out like a winner. He faced them with bravery and resilience. I have seen him in worst of his times but I never found him complaining about life. Even when his personal life was marked by dramatic turbulence, he managed to keep his positive attitude in life and never lost his love for life. A very compassionate soul, l learnt from him to give without expecting in return. He used to give a lot to people in any capacity. He has helped so many people without ever demanding anything in return especially for his students. His love f or his students was unconditional. If I compare myself to him, I believe that throughout my life I was not a very balanced person. He helped me in becoming a balanced person. As compared to his personality, I used to get tensed, anxious and hopeless in tough times. He taught me to confront adversaries and put it in a positive perspective. I learnt to be true to myself. Unlike him, I never accepted my mistakes and confronted them. He taught me to acknowledge my mistakes and be critical to myself. In this way I could improve myself as a human being. We had a contrasting personality when it came to ambitions. I accepted life as it was, however, he made life how he expected it to be. From him I came to understand that life is a journey and not a destination. This very notion differentiated our views, aims, struggles and attitudes. We should enjoy the experience of the journey but should not accept it as our destination and keep striving for the best. This is the mantra of my life now. I owe it to him. I found in his personality a beautiful approach towards life to take every day as a new day. It is my teacher who showed me to go ahead in life and explore what life holds for you. This is the account of two contrasting personalities, whereby, on person has a rather flexible approach towards aims (i.e. me) while the other is much inclined towards achieving the preset aims and not compromising on them in any case, have survived
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Reducing Teen Pregnancy in Colleyville Case Study
Reducing Teen Pregnancy in Colleyville - Case Study Example Teenage pregnancy is the conception and followed development of the fetus by a girl whose age is between 13 and 19 years. Consideration of the age allowable for a girl to get pregnant varies with places and cultures in the world but the rate of pregnancy by under age girls is increasing due to other factors such as early exposure to sexual activities , poverty, and the declining of menarche factor. Unlike undeveloped countries where teenage pregnancy is normal in many ethnicity groups developed countries attribute this problem mainly to low or say poor life outcomes and low levels of education. Teenage pregnancies in developed countries are highly reported in the United Kingdom and the United States while they are very minimal in Korea and Japan. Teenage pregnancy in developing countries like Jamaica are mostly as a result of high rates of poverty and low levels of education in additional to ethnical cultural factors in countries such as in Africa. (UNICEF 2001) Teenage pregnancy in most cases becomes detrimental to the health of the mother and the child since in most times it is unplanned and the mother is not well developed to carry a pregnancy. On the other hand it affects the social welfare of the mother since in most a case it is when she is continuing with her education and it is usually associated with stigma in the society. (Dryburgh (2002). Aim of the report To design a program and outline its procedures that will ensure reduction of teenage pregnancy in Coleyville Jamaica Objectives To clearly study and evaluate the situation of teenage pregnancy on Coleyville To analye the cause effects of teenage pregnancy in Coleyvile To outlie a program of reducing teenage pregnancy in Coleyville usiung logic model in the program design. Teenage Pregnancy in Coleyville Jamaica Jamaica is an island in North America where the town of Coleyville is situated. Here in Coleyville teenage pregnancy is alarmingly high due to various factors such as ignorance, high rates of poverty among its citizens, cultural misinformation and negligence among male partners. This community is one of many examples that are in similar situation around the globe. Reasons for startling teenage pregnancy in Jamaica There are various reasons why in Jamaica there is always high rate of teenage pregnancy compared to many other places in the world. There is very little knowledge on contraceptives among Jamaican Girls. There are high incidences of unprotected sex among the members of he community of Coleyville. The belief by the women on acquisition of social status and identity in marriage make many girls get married at very tender ages rendering them pregnant at teen age (Aqarwal2008). Benefits of logic model as a method in use in the program. Logic model is a structural procedure of giving a working program descriptively in an organization. It outlines the resources, programs, and output of the programs and the outcomes of the programs (Mayeske 2002). Logic model is analytical and expressive in terms of the procedures used in the program It enables the programmer to
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